ISSUE 6: July 2020 - Toshiba has been an intrinsic part of India’s growth story for more than 60 years. We have achieved major milestones and are optimistic about carrying forward this growth momentum in coming years. We have had great relations with the Indian media over the years and we thank you for your interest in Toshiba. We now want to build on that by inviting you to visit our digital portal – Toshiba Clip.
Toshiba Clip is the gateway to all things Toshiba. It features stories on how we combine the power of technology with our desire for a better world, to TURN ON THE PROMISE OF A NEW DAY.
Toshiba Clip tracks our expanding role as an industry leader in the energy, social infrastructure, electronic device and digital solutions fields, and we want it to offer the media the opportunity to learn how Toshiba is rapidly and efficiently investing in research & development, translating technologies into products and services that excel in providing essential infrastructure for today’s world.
We have made Toshiba Clip easy to use and navigate, and want it to be a rich source of information about:
- The story of how Toshiba is becoming a leading Infrastructure Service Company, and a look into the future and
advances taking place in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) technology.
- The latest research & development (R&D) in cutting-edge technology spaces like artificial intelligence, quantum
- A better understanding of the future and shape of digital technology solutions and fast evolving global trends.
- Invaluable insights from Toshiba's top management and leaders on their plans and strategies.
- Employees behind the scenes. First-hand stories on how Toshiba employees commit to Toshiba's corporate values,
the Essence of Toshiba, in their day-to-day work.
Toshiba's AI: Changing Businesses, Societies and Lives
Toshiba is ranked #3 in the world and #1 in Japan in terms of cumulative AI-related patent applications. The company is now focusing on co-creation to develop deep research initiatives and site-oriented, problem-solving approaches to technological developments in AI. In this story, researchers and an executive officer of Toshiba talk about the future of AI.
90 Years of Turbines: The Heart of Power Generation
Toshiba has designed and manufactured highly efficient turbines and generators for over 90 years. Our turbines support both Japan and India in providing total energy solutions that contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society and stable electricity supply.
Unified Vision: How Toshiba's Digitization Team Works toward
a Common Goal
By Hiroshi Yamamoto, Corporate Digitization CTO Teamwork. Without the collaborative effort of a dedicated group of people, it is impossible to effectively and efficiently complete a project or achieve a common goal. Today, there is no greater evidence of the power of teamwork than the efforts of healthcare workers, government leaders and everyday citizens in fighting to overcome the global coronavirus pandemic.
"Mother Ganges": Reviving India's Lifeline Through
Toshiba Water Solutions (TWS) aims to solve various water and environmental problems for India, and we have contributed to the government’s Clean Ganga mission since 2014. TWS has established 02 sewage treatment plants with a combined capacity of treating over 18 million liters per day, and laid down a 55km sewage network.
Robots that could Sense, Think and Act (Part One: Technology)
Toshiba has engineered intelligent robots to address varying needs in manufacturing, distribution, and logistics. Part one of this story introduces the technologies applied to their creation, and also the technologies that ensure the safety of the people who work alongside the robots.