Toshiba Group Supports Multitude of Social Responsibility Programs
Toshiba Group Supports Multitude of Social Responsibility Programs

Toshiba in India supports Health, Education, and Disaster Relief through its various CSR activities and association with Akshaya Patra and Prime Minister National Relief Fund

Toshiba Group has long positioned “Committed to People, Committed to the Future.” as the main text of our Basic Commitment, the expression of our unwavering determination to contribute to society’s development through our business activities. Grounded in this commitment, Toshiba Group has taken initiatives to help solve global issues and contribute to carbon neutrality and a circular economy by considering the impact of our corporate activities on society over the long-term, rather than simply pursuing short-term profits.
The five key areas of activities stated in the Toshiba Group Basic Policy on Social Contribution Activities are all related to social issues that Toshiba Group regards as important. In contribution to society, Toshiba Group focuses on five fields – protection of the natural environment, science and technology education, promotion of sports and culture, social welfare, and international exchange and friendship.
In the fiscal year 2023 alone, Toshiba Group allocated a substantial amount of JPY 1.36 billion* (INR 748.95 million) towards these social contribution activities, supporting a total of 972 programs across the globe.

In India, Toshiba continues to build on its global commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by actively engaging in initiatives that address the country’s unique social and environmental challenges. Toshiba stands steadfast in its commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 3, and 4 which are focused on eradicating hunger, promoting good health and well-being, and ensuring quality education.
Toshiba Group companies in India namely Toshiba Soware India Private Limited (TSIP), Toshiba Johnson Elevators (India) Private Limited (TJEI), Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Private Limited (TTDI), and Toshiba India Private Limited (TIPL) have partnered with the Akshaya Patra Foundation to contribute more than INR 55 million over the past few years for various initiatives including mid-day meal programs and happiness kits. This collaboration enabled these companies to make a tangible difference in addressing hunger and improving education outcomes by ensuring students have access to essential nutrition, hygiene, and learning materials.
Appreciating Toshiba’s contributions, Mr. Shridhar Venkat, CEO, The Akshaya Patra Foundation said “within our journey at The Akshaya Patra Foundation, the steadfast backing of Toshiba companies in India has been a guiding light. Their support has not only nourished the Mid-Day Meal and Happiness Kit Distribution initiatives but has also illuminated the aspirations of numerous children. Their contributions, surpassing mere aid, echo our joint commitment to nurturing a promising, educated future for these young minds, reinforcing our shared dedication to transforming lives.”

"Toshiba supporting the Mid-day Meal and Happiness Kit programs"
Many Toshiba companies in India like TSIP, TTDI, TIPL, TJEI, and Toshiba Water Solutions Private Limited (Toshiba Water) have contributed almost INR 61 million to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) over the years. The PMNRF serves as a critical national resource, providing financial assistance for disaster relief, medical treatment, and other emergency support. Demonstrating their dedication to supporting vulnerable communities in times of need, these companies supported timely aid for those a ected by natural calamities, catastrophic events, and major health crises.
In addition, more than INR 63 million was contributed by TSIP, TTDI, TJEI, Toshiba Water, and Toshiba JSW Power Systems Private Limited (Toshiba JSW) to various other community development and social welfare programs.
Looking ahead, Toshiba Group remains dedicated to addressing India’s sustainability priorities, fostering a more sustainable society while supporting the nation’s growth and prosperity. Aiming to make the world a better place, Toshiba Group will contribute to solving global issues, attainment of the SDGs and creating a sustainable society through business activities as well as social contribution activities by using knowledge and resources acquired through business.