03 Dec 2018 - Tokyo - Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) is launching a worldwide corporate advertising
campaign to promote its rebranding under a new global identity. Inspired by the "Essence of
Toshiba", the July 2018 restatement of its purpose and values, and driven by the slogan "For a
new day", the video-based campaign will be rolled out in TV commercials, internet media and
Toshiba's own websites. The ads will be released mainly in Japan and Asia, including India,
China and the ASEAN countries, and will spotlight how the revitalized Toshiba turns on the
promise of a new day.
The "Essence of Toshiba" harmonizes and integrates Toshiba Group's diverse businesses and
operations around the world. It comprises three parts, "Basic Commitment of The Toshiba
Group", "Our Purpose", and "Our Values". "Our Purpose" expresses Toshiba's unwavering drive
to make and do things that lead to a better world - to combine the power of invention with
time-tested expertise, and thereby turn on the promise of a brilliant new day.
"For a new day", the advertising campaign slogan, is aligned with "Our Purpose". It
encapsulates Toshiba's commitment to building a sustainable future by focusing on business
domains that support modern life and society, and creating value with reliable technologies.
Toshiba has positioned this fiscal year, to March 31, 2019, as the first year of its transformation
into an excellent company able to secure profitability comparable to that of the best global
companies. The new advertising campaign expresses the "Essence of Toshiba" that is guiding
the transformation and rebuilding the global Toshiba brand, and delivers the message to a
global audience on a range of media.
In India, the 360-degree integrated advertising campaign that encompasses digital, television,
and print will be rolled out from December 3. The first phase of the campaign that will run up
till the end of the current financial year, would cover both infotainment and news genres in
English and Hindi languages. Digital medium will also be a major component of Toshiba's new
advertising campaign in India.
For more information, please contact:
Toshiba India Private Limited
Abhishek Mehta / Sharda Vig
Aeshna Makkar/ Saloni Jain